Pregnancy advice & tips
What to expect at a 6 week check with a Women's Health Physiotherapist
3 min read BY KELLY JONES | Physiotherapist | Women's & Pelvic Health | Pre and postnatal The fourth trimester is often a challenging time for parents. Adjusting to life...
Pregnant This Summer? Tips on how to survive the heat.
4 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | Clinical Midwifery Specialist | Childbirth Educator | Mama of 4 There’s nothing better than lying by the beach and going for a swim during...
6 Pregnancy Myths that will make you say 'OMG, really?'
4 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | Clinical Midwifery Specialist | Childbirth Educator | There are many myths and misconceptions floating around about pregnancy and childbirth. From how big your...
Navigating the Festive Season with a Bump or Baby: A Midwife’s Top Tips for Expectant Mums
3 min read BY MONIQUE MAITLAND | REGISTERED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR I MIDDEE SOCIETY | MIDDEE PODCAST The holidays are a time of joy and celebration, but for expectant...
5 Reasons To Wear Compression Socks During Pregnancy
3 min read THERY GROUP Wearing maternity compression socks during pregnancy can offer numerous benefits for pregnancy and expectant mothers. 1. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF COMPRESSION SOCKS COMPARED TO...
6 min read BY DAHLAS FLETCHER | PERSONAL TRAINER & STUDIO OWNER OF BODY FABULOUS Have you ever searched on Google “What’s the BEST way to exercise during pregnancy?”. You’ll...
Addressing Diastasis Recti with Pilates and Physiotherapy
5 min read BY Deana Gheri | Physiotherapist @ Sum of Us Studios In this Q&A we explore how Pilates and Physiotherapy can help prevent or heal diastasis recti. Physiotherapist...
Considering an Epidural? Everything You Need to Know
5 min read BY MONIQUE MAITLAND | REGISTERED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR I MIDDEE SOCIETY | MIDDEE PODCAST Epidurals have become an increasingly popular pain relief option for many women...
What you wear can affect the health of your unborn baby.
3 min read BY THERY GROUP When going for checkups and seeing you baby in a sonogram, every mother wants to know they are doing the best for the health...
Baby on Board. Your ultimate Q&A guide to weight gain during pregnancy
8 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | ENDORSED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR Have you heard the term “eat for two” when talking about weight gain in pregnancy? Unlike previously thought,it...
The Role of The Placenta
4 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | Clinical Midwifery Specialist | Childbirth Educator | Your body goes through miraculous changes during pregnancy, one of which is growing a whole new...
Preparation for the fourth trimester
3 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | ENDORSED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR The fourth trimester refers to the first 12 weeks after birth, which is a period of immense change,...