Blog posts

6 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | ENDORSED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR During pregnancy, there are many changes that occur both physically and emotionally to the body. One change that...

Why are my feet swollen after birth? Understanding & managing postpartum swollen feet.
5 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | Clinical Midwifery Specialist | Childbirth Educator | As a midwife and mum of 4, I find most families will focus all their energy...

Carpal tunnel Syndrome and de Quervain's tenosynovitis (mother’s wrist)
3 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | Clinical Midwifery Specialist | Childbirth Educator | 1. What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that is common during...

Sex during Pregnancy & Postpartum
4 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | ENDORSED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR Sexual intimacy is so important to relationships; thus, it is normal to be concerned how becoming pregnant or...

The Impact of Breastfeeding on Sex and Sexuality
6 min read BY ALEEYA HACHEM | SEXOLOGIST AND FERTILITY COUNSELLOR | @GREAT.SEXPECTATIONS Breastfeeding is a deeply personal and sometimes complex journey for many new mothers. Beyond the well-documented physical...

Breast or Bottle? Your top questions answered about breastfeeding vs formula feeding, and when to introduce solids.
12 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | ENDORSED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR Feeding your baby is one of the biggest decisions that you will face when you become new parents....

Postpartum Discomforts that aren’t talked about enough - vaginal tearing, postpartum bleeding & the first postpartum poop!
7 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | ENDORSED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR As new parents, there are many aspects of pregnancy, birth and parenting that are discussed openly. However, there...

What to expect at a 6 week check with a Women's Health Physiotherapist
3 min read BY KELLY JONES | Physiotherapist | Women's & Pelvic Health | Pre and postnatal The fourth trimester is often a challenging time for parents. Adjusting to life...

Addressing Diastasis Recti with Pilates and Physiotherapy
5 min read BY Deana Gheri | Physiotherapist @ Sum of Us Studios In this Q&A we explore how Pilates and Physiotherapy can help prevent or heal diastasis recti. Physiotherapist...

Preparation for the fourth trimester
3 min read BY LAUREN BRENTON | ENDORSED MIDWIFE & CHILDBIRTH EDUCATOR The fourth trimester refers to the first 12 weeks after birth, which is a period of immense change,...
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